Congratulations on purchasing
Snake Trap
There is a small bit of assembly to be done on your new Floating Snake Trap. Pull the four stainless steel pipe clamps through the top of the trap. The two floats must be removed from the door on the side. Place them in the stainless steel pipe clamps and use a screwdriver or nutdriver to tighten the floats in the clamp.
This configuration will drown the trapped snake in a short, relatively painless fashion. Do not handle the snake or place your hands where they can be bitten. If the snake is still alive, replace the trap in the water so that the box is totally under water for an hour. Bait the trap through the door in the top with a live fish if possible although cut bait can work. It will however attract fish to the trap. If you happen to trap a fish, it will help to bait the snake.
If, for whatever reason, you don't want to drown the snake, you can mount the floats on the side to allow an air bubble in the top of the trap. We do not recommend this and will not be responsible for death or injury if this trap is used for that purpose. Remember, many water snakes are deadly and you cannot be too careful with them.
For the most effective use of your trap, you will want to tie twine to each side of the trap and stretch them out to hold the trap in the area of your pond that the snake was seen. You will want to check your trap, but fish and other snakes should take care of the remains of the trapped snake.
We ship the trap without floats installed in order to save you up to $20 in shipping costs.
HEINSOHN'S 8003005081
Trotlines - Gill Nets - Fish Traps - Fish Fryers - Bait Traps & Nets
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